Sunday, November 7, 2010

Galatians 6 - Reaping and Sowing

Due to a horrid migraine yesterday, I will be finishing up Galatians 6 and then starting on Ephesians 1 tonight.  So as to not be confusing, I will separate them into two different posts.

In Galatians 6, Paul tells us that if we see another Christian sinning, we are to gently and humbly direct them back onto the right path. Paul gives a very important warning here.  He tells us to be careful not to fall into the same temptation ourselves.  For this reason, I believe we need to use a lot of wisdom when we try to bring a brother or sister back on the right track.  Sometimes it is a wise idea to have someone else with you to keep you fall falling into the same temptation.

Paul also warns us that we cannot think of ourselves as better than that person.  The moment we do that, we become a fool and are no better than anyone else.

In verse 4 Paul tells us that in all that we do, we should always do our very best.  We should also never compare our self to anyone else.   Usually, if you compare yourself to others, you will feel like you aren't as good as them.  So do the best you can do and you will find personal satisfaction.  (The key word here is, best.)

In verse 6, Paul talks about the teachers being paid to teach the Word of God.  This also includes our Pastors and leaders who dedicate themselves to the work of the church. Teaching on Sunday morning is not just one hour a week of the pastor's time.   They spend hours in prayer, reading the Word, studying, listing to God's voice, etc. This is why the tithe is so important. If you love your pastor, you should be willing to help him with his expenses.  Personally, I think it is an insult to sit under someones teaching and not consider them worthy of being paid.

By the way, when we are faithful in our tithe, or in helping a brother who is n trouble or just needs a hand, or we serve in the church, or the multiple things we can do to further the Kingdom...we will reap what we sow.  It might not happen right away, but it will happen in due time.  God's timing is not the same as man's time.

Be warned though, that you will also reap bad things if that is all you are sowing.  So be sure that you are not sowing seeds of gossip, deceit, immoral behavior, etc.  My Bible says this in it's notes: "Every action has results.  If you plant to please your own desires, you'll reap a crop of sorrow and evil.  If you plant to please God, you'll reap joy and everlasting life.  What kind of seeds are you sowing?"

So...what kind of seeds are you sowing?  Whenever we have the opportunity to do so, we need to lift up our brothers and sisters and plant seeds of blessings and love.

The other day, I talked about Paul's illness.  I thought he might be referring to his vision. He finishes Galatians but mentioning how big he writes in his own hand.  This is one of the reasons I thought it might be his eyes.

Before he signs off, he again reminds them that the false teachers really only want them to be circumcised so they can brag that the Galatians were now their disciples.  They really didn't care about the Law.

 Paul makes it clear that he does not want to brag about anything except for the fact that Christ died on the cross for him and for all of them.  Christ doesn't care if we are circumcised or not.  What He cares about is who we are in Him and what kind of life we are now living.  When we become a Christian, we are changed from the inside out!

I am so thankful that Jesus Christ has cleansed me and washed my sins away.  I don't have to live a life of laws, but one of freedom in Him.

Be blessed,


1 comment:

  1. I am praying that you feel better soon! I am so blessed that you continue to study even while you battle a migraine. I know God will reward your heart! Loved your post!
