Saturday, November 13, 2010

Ephesians 3 - God's Secret Plan Revealed

The Goodwin Family

What was God's secret plan?  Verse six says:

And this is the secret plan: The Gentiles have an equal share with the Jews
 in all the riches inherited by God's children.  Both groups have believed the Good News, 
and both are part of the same body and enjoy together the promise of blessings through Christ Jesus.

That particular verse brings so much gladness to my heart.  For so long the Jews believed they were the only chosen children of god.  But Jesus came and changed all that with his life and death.  

Paul's mission was to share this good news with the Gentiles even though he was in prison in Rome.  In fact, Paul calls it a wonderful privilege to share the Good News.  He looks at a negative and turns it in to a positive.  Oh, that I would be the same way.  In stead, I complain about my circumstances.

And Paul continues to be humble in what he does.  He shares that he is the least deserving to do this.  Paul probably had no idea how important a figure he would really become 2000 years later.  I think he is probably quite surprised every time he meets a new person in Heaven who tells him how much he changed their life.

Paul goes on to talk about how much God loves us.  He prays that Christ will be more and more at home in our hearts.  He wants us to fully know how much God loves us.  He goes on to say how wide, how long, how high, and how deep His love really is for us.  

Because we have this relationship with Christ, and His mighty power is at work in us, we are able to accomplish so much more than we every though possible.  We can draw all glory to Him by doing the works He has called us to do.  

This is a really short chapter.  The biggest thing I got out of it, is that I am a member of God's family.  I have the same rights and privileged of the Jews.  He is just as much my Daddy as he is the Jews by birth. 

Do to circumstances beyond my control, I am way behind on my blog.  I do plan on getting caught up over the next few days.  

Be blessed,


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